Young persons: 11- 14

An illustration of a group of young teens and soon to be teens.

Hate Crime

Think before you speak

Racism isn't always a big incident that you see on the TV - it can be just a small and thoughtless remark. Think before you speak or you could upset someone by saying something you don't even mean.

Everyone's responsibility

Everyone has the responsibility to help stamp out racism and the world will be a much better place without it. Report all incidents of racial harassment to the police as it is illegal to verbally or physically abuse someone because of their race or religion. The police will record it as a hate incident, more commonly know as a hate crime.

What is Hate Crime

A hate crime is any hate incident which is a criminal offence and the victim or any other person believes it to be because of prejudice (an opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience) or hate.

The police record a hate incident if the victim or another person believes it is motivated by the hatred of someone because of a particular factor. Those factors include:

Diversity means...

Diversity isn't just about race, it embrasses all our differences and in order for us to live together peacefully we need to accept and respect these differences.

The tall,
The small,
The blind'
The deaf,
The old'
The young,
The pink and the blue,
The brown the yellow the white,
The two limbed, the four limbed,

And the religious beliefs of them all!

My attempt at poetry! And you have done alot better visit Being different, feeling different to read the very thought provoking poems.

Racial harassment

Racial harassment is when someone abuses another person, verbally or physically, because of their race, colour or religion. Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and racism is unacceptable.

Transgender and your school

First issued as "Cornwall Transgender Guidance for Schools" in 2012. New revised edition, July 2015.

"Working in partnership, Intercom and Devon and Cornwall Police and Cornwall Council (Children Schools and Families Service) and Head Teachers in Cornwall have produced a ground-breaking new Guidance document for schools and families. It is a detailed survey of the needs of Transgendered Children and Young People who are transitioning while still at school."

Source: intercomtrust

The law

Hate crime is a criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any
other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race; religion/belief; sexual orientation; disability or because they are transgender.

To report please use the online crime reporting form.

If you or someone is in immediate danger of being hurt please phone 999.
